group blog

    Hey there welcome back to the blog. Today I am going to be talking about my group and our song. I will be working with Conner Simmons. Conner is a sophomore in high school. I met him in the beginning of the year and we share the same friends. Were in this friend group and we hung out all over the summer. With him as my partner its perfect because we trust each other. We trust each other because we both know we will do the work. Also, our parents are friends. This means, our parents trust each other to have each other over at each others houses. I chose to work with him because Conner is smart. Also, because he does his work on time. I also believe that with us working together we could come up with some great ideas of what to do. We both have very creative minds that will help us make this music video great. Our song is party in the U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus. we chose to to this song because it is a fun song and we can use our friends in the video. Our lives are kind of like the song Party In The U.S.A. They could come in the video and make our ideas come true. we already have the right props and setting for it. So we though it would be the best decision to do party in the U.S.A.


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