
Showing posts from December, 2023

Movie Convections Research: The Djinn

  What elements (Conventions) of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?   "The Djinn" creates horror through a supernatural entity, the malevolent nature of wishes, and a sense of isolation, contributing to a suspenseful and eerie atmosphere.     What elements (Conventions) of the genre did the movie have that you like?   In "The Djinn," I found the horror elements to be particularly interesting. The malevolent nature of the djinn and the consequences of wishes going wrong added a unique and suspenseful layer to the story. The film's ability to create an eerie atmosphere of isolation heightened the psychological tension, making it an intriguing and engaging horror experience for me.     What elements (Conventions) of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?   For me, certain aspects of "The Djinn" felt less interesting, particularly if the plot became predictable or if the characters lacked depth. A

Movie Convections: The Unholy

  What elements (Conventions) of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?   "The Unholy" features supernatural themes, religious horror, demonic possession, atmospheric settings, jump scares, and mystery, creating a chilling and suspenseful horror experience.     What elements (Conventions) of the genre did the movie have that you like?   I found "The Unholy" to be a captivating horror experience that kept me engaged. The supernatural mysteries, religious horror, and themes of demonic possession added depth to the story. The spooky settings created an eerie atmosphere, and well-timed jump scares heightened the overall sense of chill. Overall, it delivered on the promise of a captivating and chilling horror experience.       What elements (Conventions) of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?   In my opinion, " The Unholy" had moments that felt less interesting, primarily due to predictability, clichĂ©s, a

Movie Conventions research: Halloween Kills

What elements (Conventions) of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?   "Halloween Kills" is a scary movie with a creepy killer, Michael Myers, lots of violence, and suspense. It's set on Halloween night and pays tribute to the original 1978 film.     What elements (Conventions) of the genre did the movie have that you like?   In "Halloween Kills," I felt the horror through the silent and relentless presence of Michael Myers. The graphic violence and tense survival moments kept me on edge throughout the film. Nods to the original added a nostalgic layer, intensifying the overall chilling experience.     What elements (Conventions) of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?   I personally found "Halloween Kills" to be a bit less interesting due to its predictable plot elements, at times excessive violence, and underdeveloped characters. The reliance on jump scares felt somewhat formulaic , and there

Genre Decision : Horror

I chose horror as the opening sequence for its immediate engagement and ability to grip the audience's attention. By introducing suspenseful or shocking elements early on, the film establishes a tone of tension and fear, setting the emotional atmosphere for what follows. Horror is effective in building intrigue and curiosity, compelling viewers to understand or unravel the frightening or supernatural aspects presented in the opening scenes. Additionally, the genre excels at creating suspense, providing a foundation for the narrative and maintaining audience interest. Unforgettable horror sequences leave a lasting impression, contributing to the overall memorability of the film. The decision to start with horror also allows for subverting audience expectations and creating a brisk pace that sets the stage for the unfolding story.

Genre Research : Animation

  Genre : Action Common camera angles, movement, and shots :  Action movies thrive on dynamic camera techniques. Low angles make heroes look powerful, high angles capture grand scenes, and bird's eye views provide strategic overviews. Tracking shots follow fast action, handheld movements add urgency, and zooms focus on key details. Wide shots show the scale of battles, close-ups reveal intense emotions, and point-of-view shots immerse audiences. Quick cuts maintain a rapid pace, while slow motion highlights intricate details. Together, these techniques bring the excitement and intensity that define action movies. Common mise-en-scene: In action movies, the mise-en-scène is all about visual excitement. Striking sets, practical costumes, and high-contrast lighting create a dynamic backdrop. Iconic weapons and explosive effects amplify the intensity, while dynamic cinematography captures the energy of thrilling stunts. The roar of vehicles, adrenaline-pumping soundtracks, and fast-pac

Genre Research : Horror

  Genre : Horror Common camera angles, movement, and shots :  Horror movies use clever camera tricks to make us scared. Low angles make things look big and scary, while high angles make characters seem small and vulnerable. Tilted angles add a creepy feeling. Moving the camera smoothly (tracking shots) or shaking it (handheld) creates suspense. Zooms and wide shots set the scene, and point-of-view shots make us feel part of the scare. Quick cuts and silence surprise us, and reaction shots show characters' fear. All these tricks work together to keep us on the edge of our seats when watching a horror movie. Common mise-en-scene: Horror movies use spooky lighting, creepy settings, and unsettling sounds to make us scared. Characters wear eerie costumes, and props like creaky doors add to the tension. Dark colors and odd angles create an unsettling atmosphere, while chilling music and silence intensify the fear. Practical effects and weather elements, like storms, enhance the overall c

Genre Research : Comedy

  Genre : Comedy  Common camera angles, movement, and shots :  Comedy films make people laugh by using different camera tricks. Close-ups show funny faces, low/high angles create visual jokes, and moving the camera with zooms and tracking shots keeps things lively. Two-shots and reaction shots make interactions funnier. Mixing these techniques to match the film's style makes a memorable and enjoyable comedy. Common mise-en-scene: In comedy short films, the mise-en-scène is carefully crafted to maximize humor. Bright colors, quirky set designs, and exaggerated props create a visually engaging and lively atmosphere. Costumes are chosen for comedic effect, and lighting maintains a cheerful ambiance. Every element within the frame is thoughtfully arranged to support comedic timing, ensuring that visual elements align seamlessly with the narrative for maximum laughter. Common editing:  In comedy movie editing, it's all about timing. Quick cuts after jokes, reaction shots for laughs,

My Pitch

 Pitch A: A group of friends face unspeakable horrors in a haunted house, where sinister forces unleash terror beyond their worst nightmares. Pitch B: In a wacky house, oddball roommates navigate hilarious situations, turning the ordinary into extraordinary laughter. Discuss Pitch A : A group of close friends faces really scary stuff in a haunted house where really bad things happen. The spooky forces in the house create terror way worse than anyone's worst nightmares. The friends, who we all understand, go through a lot of scary and mysterious situations. The haunted house is full of creepy and dangerous things that make the story really intense. With the promise of super scary things happening, this story is set to keep you really scared and excited at the same time. Discuss Pitch B : A bunch of funny roommates lives in a really crazy house, and they end up in lots of hilarious situations that make ordinary things super funny. Each roommate has their own weird way of doing things

Group Blog

Working alone on my project has several advantages that I appreciate. It allows me to have full control over the project, making decisions without needing to coordinate with others. I can set my own schedule and work at my preferred pace, which enhances my overall efficiency. The focused vision I maintain ensures that the project aligns with my goals and expectations. Personal accountability becomes a driving force, as I am solely responsible for the project's success. The absence of external distractions in my solitary workspace enables me to concentrate better and be more productive. Quick decision-making is a natural outcome, eliminating the need for extensive deliberation or consensus. Working alone means I am not dependent on others to complete tasks, reducing the risk of delays. The flexibility to adapt and make changes on the fly is a significant advantage of solo work. I appreciate the opportunity to create a customized work environment that suits my preferences. The simpli

about me

   Hello, my name is Dakota. I was born and raised in Florida. I go to the school called Fort Lauderdale. I am sophomore this year. In my free time I like to go to the gym. I go right after school and spend 2 hours there. I do an Arnold Split. That is legs, chest/back, shoulders/bicep/triceps. I have a rest day on Friday when I go out with my friends. I usually go to a football game or the beach. I also have a brother. He is 12 and is a 7th grader. He play basketball with me a lot. I help train him to become better. I also play some video games. I only play like twice a week. I mainly play madden and nba2k. My favorite football teams are the dolphins, jets, and lions. My favorite basketball teams are the heat, knicks, and warriors. I used to play sports but now I am unathletic.