Production Blog

   Today for my commercial I finished filming. After filming ten times I have finally finished. I have decided to do my video inside. I am deciding to do it in the living room. It only took me ten tries to get it correct. Since the thing is done I have finished filming. I have made my script. In my final attempt I did not to studder at all. My goal is to sound very fluent and sound like I know what I am saying in my commercial, and I did that. I have learned how to edit. I have asked my brother because that is what he does. When I edited I made the audio much better. After I practiced on small videos I have gotten it down. When I filmed I just set my phone up on the wall. Setting it on the wall was very easy. I asked my brother to film but he said no. The commercial came out clear and sounded good. After much editing it ended up sounding good and looking good. So this is my progress on my commercial currently. 


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