Intro Blog

 Hello, my name is Dakota. I was born and raised in Florida. I go to the school called Fort Lauderdale. I am sophomore this year. In my free time I like to go to the gym. I go right after school and spend 2 hours there. I do an Arnold Split. That is legs, chest/back, shoulders/bicep/triceps. I have a rest day on Friday when I go out with my friends. I usually go to a football game or the beach. I also have a brother. He is 12 and is a 7th grader. He play basketball with me a lot. I help train him to become better. I also play some video games. I only play like twice a week. I mainly play madden and nba2k. My favorite football teams are the dolphins, jets, and lions. My favorite basketball teams are the heat, knicks, and warriors. I used to play sports but now I am unathletic. 


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